Is it possible to detect if your dog loves you, and how do we know that dogs love humans?

Using scientific methods and data from studies of canine behaviour, we’ve identified over a dozen indications that your dog cares deeply about you. Find out if your dog loves you and the various ways that puppies exhibit their affection in the following paragraphs.

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Humans care a great deal about the reciprocity of their canine companions.

Gregory Berns conducted an experiment to see if dogs genuinely adore their human companions or merely appreciate the food they receive from us. He used magnetic resonance imaging to examine the brains of 90 canines and discover how they react to human praise and hot dog treats.

The hot dogs were a big hit with the canines. Whenever they were given delectable treats, an area of the brain responsible for rewarding behaviour became active. But when the dogs were praised, the reward centre lit up just as much. Thus, it would appear that a hot dog may be bought with just a few kind words from their human.

But that’s not all of it. Twenty percent of the canines Berns examined preferred human praise over hot dogs. That could suggest that you are more important to your dog than food.

I think it’s safe to say that dogs adore their human companions, or at least like us about as much as a hot dog.


Even though your dog can’t put into words how much they care about you, they demonstrate it in a variety of ways. Sometimes you need to be well-versed in canine body language and put yourself in your pet’s shoes to recognise the indications. However, if you’re thinking, “Does my dog love me?” here are 18 telltale indications of canine affection.



The same goes for your dog; none of you would approach someone you didn’t like. The fact that your dog seeks you out for reassurance and love is strong evidence of their devotion to you.

This is a guide on how to determine if your dog loves you.

The definitive guide to determining if your dog is devoted to you
To what extent and in what ways your dog responds to your affection will be determined by their temperament and state of mind. You never know which dog will leap up on the couch next to you and curl up on your lap, which will lean on you, which will sit at your feet.

Simply being near you or coming up to you for a stroke is a clear evidence that your dog loves you, regardless of how close and cuddly your dog wants to be with you.

Just as a young child could cower between their parent’s legs in a similar situation, your dog may run to you when they’re feeling anxious or uncertain. Indicating your dog finds solace and security in your company, this behaviour is a sign of trust between you two. Meanwhile, most other animal species have a natural tendency to flee from people when they’re terrified, so dogs must actually enjoy our company.


Most people have experienced the slobbery, affectionate “puppy kisses” of a pet. Nonetheless, licks are a lot like kisses and a manifestation of love and devotion from our furry pals.

If my dog loves me, how do I know it?

If my dog loves me, how can I tell?
When dogs meet one another or show affection, they often lick one another. This behaviour serves multiple purposes, including grooming, socialisation, and strengthening the pack dynamic. If your dog licks you elsewhere other than their mouth, know that they’re just trying to show you how much they care.


Some canine companions like leaning against their human family members as much as they do resting at our feet or snuggling up on our laps. If your dog leans against you, it’s because he or she trusts and relies on you as a safe and secure source of support, just like when the dog comes to you for solace. Some have even likened leaning to a canine “hug.”


Dogs are particularly defenceless when they turn their backs on their attackers, as this minimises the effectiveness of their only line of defense—their teeth—and also prevents them from seeing what’s behind you. Having your dog sit with its back to you is more evidence of its devotion to you and faith in your protection.


Sleeping makes your dog especially defenceless because they can’t protect themselves or keep an eye out for danger.

Methods for Determining whether or not Your Dog Loves You

How to Know if Your Dog Really Likes You
If your dog chooses to sleep in the same room as you, whether that’s on the sofa, at your feet, or even in bed with you, it’s an indication that they trust and love you.


You should be aware that your dog’s natural inclination is to hide and guard his or her stomach because it is quite delicate. Your dog’s trust in you is demonstrated when he or she approaches you and rolls over for a belly rub. To the same extent, a dog that sleeps on its back with its belly exposed must feel quite secure in your company, as this position leaves the dog defenceless while it is both asleep and defenceless.


Those of you who are still wondering, “How do I know whether my dog loves me?” Test your dog’s obedience by asking yourself this question.

Your dog’s perked ears and focused attention while you speak indicate that it is listening to and attempting to understand your emotions and intentions. Even if they’re only waiting for you to say “walk” or “meal,” it demonstrates that they’re paying attention and beginning to identify you with positive experiences.

However, research has shown that dogs are just as receptive to and responsive to human expressive speech and sounds (such as sighs) as they are to and responsive to noises generated by other dogs. Furthermore, a dog’s brain processes these noises in much the same way that a human brain would. Indeed, this demonstrates that your dog understands and reacts to your feelings even when you are unable to communicate verbally with it.


Dogs, like humans, tend to obey the commands of their loved ones.

There are certain dogs that are very well-behaved because they genuinely enjoy making their people happy. And they know that if they do what you ask, nice things will come their way. Still, the hot dog experiment taught us that some dogs would rather have human approval than a tasty treat.

On the other hand, your dog doesn’t have to be an obedience genius to show you they care. They may comply with your requests even though they have no interest in doing so.

Even though your dog despises bathing, he or she will still obey your command to go in the tub when you call him or her up. Alternatively, they might voluntarily stifle a comment when instructed to do so.

In a similar vein, most dogs dislike being hugged or touched on the top of the head, yet they will allow it if their owner. Your dog’s trust and respect for you is evident if it follows your commands.


In the same way, if your dog pays attention to you, he or she may look directly at you to make sure they aren’t missing anything. When you’re doing something, your dog will watch to see what you’ll do next so he can get in on the action.

You can tell if your dog is trying to read your expression by the way he or she watches you and whether or not they raise their eyebrows or tilt their head. We can tell that someone cares about us when they take the time to notice our sentiments, and the same is true for our dogs.


Indulge in the knowledge that your dog adores you if it looks into your eyes with a kind, calm face.

Because making direct eye contact isn’t something dogs typically do. When one dog stares intently at another, it’s frequently a challenge or an indication of aggressiveness. We humans aren’t the only species that finds it awkward to stare directly into another person’s eyes.

The definitive guide to determining if your dog is devoted to you

The definitive guide to determining if your dog is devoted to you
Dogs, on the other hand, have picked up on human body language and learnt that eye contact is a key aspect of human communication. They do this as a means of communicating with us through gaze.

Additionally, just like a human in love, a dog will look directly into the eyes of their beloved. Studies have even proven that the hormone oxytocin is released when humans and dogs look at each other with affection.

Babies and their mothers both produce oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” during the bonding process. Your dog’s love for you can be gauged by whether or not it gazes into your eyes and displays a lot of calm behaviour. And it will just deepen your affection for one another.


You shouldn’t worry if your dog looks back at you while you’re out on a walk or comes in from another room to keep an eye on you. Some canine companions literally shadow their owners, going wherever they go and never wanting to miss a thing. Your dog is probably just curious about what you’re up to and curious about your mood.


There are many other meanings behind a dog’s wagging tail than pure happiness. To the contrary, a relaxed tail that “whooshes” from side to side or spins in circles like a helicopter is the hallmark of a contented canine. When they’re this excited, they’ll probably wriggle all around or at least wag their tail.

A dog’s tail wags rapidly once it sees its owner, indicating the animal’s joy at your presence.


If your dog always greets you at the door with a gift—whether it’s a ball or a sock—you know they care about you.

Your dog has brought you a prized possession because they know it will offer you joy if you take a look at it. They also have faith in you, knowing that you will not steal their prize possession.

In the same way that a child might let you play with his or her favourite toy, you can tell your dog really likes you when it lets you play with its prized possession.


As pack animals, dogs benefit from regular social interaction, and playtime is a great way to do both for your pooch and the other members of the group.

Your dog is no different from you in that it prefers spending time with people and other dogs whom it already knows and trusts. Your dog definitely loves you and enjoys spending time with you if he or she is continuously attempting to engage you in games of tug of war or simply wants to roll around on the floor with you.


Whether it’s our stinky socks, our shoes, or even our underwear, canines seem to have a fascination with them all. When we’re not around, our dogs will get comfort from items that they know belong to us and that bear our scent. You’re basically giving them a tiny piece of yourself to keep with them forever.


Everybody loves returning home to their favourite furry friend waiting for them at the door with a wagging tail and a toy in their jaws after a long day at the office. Your dog is as thrilled to see you home as you are to see them, and this is how they show it.


In a very literal sense, dogs have evolved the ability to communicate with us via facial expressions. Even the canine version of a smile is a human-like mimicry.

Certain dog breeds, such as the Labrador and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, are known for their incredibly pronounced “smiles,” which feature a wide open mouth, a loose expression, and even a lolling tongue. Thus, if your dog appears to be grinning, it probably is. What better proof do you need that they enjoy your company?


Some people feel that if someone else notices you yawning, it’s a sign that they can relate to and understand you.

Researchers have discovered that not only can dogs catch our yawns, but that they can even be communicable from humans to primates.

Yawns are a universal sign of exhaustion, so if your dog mimics yours, it’s a sign that he or she cares about you and is paying attention to your emotions and body language.


It’s clear that our canine companions strive to express their affection in a wide variety of ways, including but not limited to the following us about like lemmings, greeting us with enthusiastic tail wags when we return home, and even stealing our smelly socks.

We now know from scientific research that dogs have developed to be able to share their feelings with their human companions. What clearer proof could there be that dogs are indeed man’s best friend!

Take some time to appreciate all the subtle ways your dog shows their affection for you the next time you’re cuddling with them on the couch or noticing them staring at you from across the room.

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