When a dog sighs, it begs the question: WHY?
In addition to barking, dogs may generate a wide variety of other sounds. One must consider the context of your dog’s conduct and the nature of the sound to determine its meaning. A sigh is one such noise, and there are several causes for this in canines. You’ll need to be able to read your…
In addition to barking, dogs may generate a wide variety of other sounds. One must consider the context of your dog’s conduct and the nature of the sound to determine its meaning. A sigh is one such noise, and there are several causes for this in canines. You’ll need to be able to read your dog’s body language as a whole to figure out what’s really going on.
Can We Define Canine Sighing?
Your dog may make a variety of low-volume noises, including sighs, moans, and groans. An involuntary exhalation such as a sigh is not technically a kind of human speech. When a dog sighs, it’s really just letting out a long, deep breath. Your dog’s vocal chords may produce a whine-like moan or groan as they release air.
As to Why Dogs Sigh,
Studying canine body language has been a central focus in the study of canine behaviour. This is due to the fact that canine body language effectively conveys the dog’s emotional state2 and the message it is trying to convey3. However, dogs also use a variety of vocalisations and noises to convey meaning. Your dog is trying to tell you something when it sighs. It’s possible that their meaning will change depending on your dog’s circumstances and the state of his or her body, mind, and spirit.
Enjoying a state of calm satisfaction
When a dog is happy and at ease, he or she may let out a sigh of relief. The dog will sigh deeply while lying down. When your dog sighs with happiness, it may look like they are dozing off or sleeping. A dog’s contented sigh may come after a particularly fun game, or it may just occur when the dog sees its human unwinding. A dog’s face will be “soft” if it is sighing from contentment and relaxation. This means they may be partly awake, with their eyelids slightly ajar and their ears untense. When your dog finally relaxes and sighs with happiness, he’ll probably be lying down.
Sometimes, a dog will sigh to express frustration. Perhaps you’re done playing with your dog, but he or she isn’t ready for it to end. Your dog may sigh in exasperation and gaze at you or whatever else is making him frustrated if he still wants to play with you. A dog that is so frustrated that it sighs is not likely to be lying down; rather, it will be sitting up with its ears perked forward.
Sometimes the Weight of a Sigh Is Greater
Assume nothing sinister from a simple sigh. Sighing and quiet moaning from a puppy both indicate a content and contented dog. However, if you hear an adult dog sighing in addition to moaning or groaning, it may be attempting to inform you that it’s not feeling well. If your dog is sighing and moaning, he or she may be in agony. Arthritis, gastric distress, and even growing pains are just some of the illnesses that can cause discomfort for your dog. Your dog may be experiencing a metabolic condition, like a diabetic crisis, liver disease, or a heart problem, if these sounds occur alongside increased lethargy. A trip to the veterinarian may be in order if you see your dog moaning and sighing on a regular basis.
There’s almost a whistling quality to some sighs. This would suggest that there is a problem with the airway. The cause may be an obstruction in the upper airway or nasal passages due to an infection, a growth, or the inadvertent inhalation of a foreign substance. If your dog is actively in respiratory distress, or if the gums or tongue start to turn blue, you should seek emergency veterinarian medical assistance for a sigh with a whistle to it.
Sighing is a great indicator of your dog’s emotional state, whether they are happy and pleased or frustrated and exasperated. Sighing on its own usually isn’t a red flag for medical trouble, but if it’s accompanied by other vocalisations like moans or groans or non-specific symptoms like lethargy, your dog may be trying to tell you they need to see the vet.