Why Is Dog Quiet?

Updated on November 22, 2022

I don’t understand why my dog has become so quiet recently.
The unexpected silence from my dog has me puzzled. It seems like my dog has gone to sleep and is quite quiet.

Dog owners are overly concerned about their pets’ every symptom. In this way, you can rest assured that your dog will enjoy the best of health at all times. Changes in behaviour, such as an abrupt decrease in activity followed by lethargy and general calm, are particularly worrisome to pet parents.

Because dogs of all breeds are typically energetic and playful, you’ll have no trouble noticing this shift. As soon as the action slows down, concerned pet parents start to wonder what’s wrong with their canine companion. If you bring your dog in today, we can investigate the cause of the recent behavioural change.

How come my dog has been so quiet and lethargic lately?

My dog usually barks whenever somebody comes near, but why is he so calm today? Your dog’s lack of vocalisation could indicate the presence of an infection or other illness that is draining its strength. If the shift is too dramatic, it’s time to call the vet.

Is There a Reason My Dog Is Suddenly Silent?

What could be causing my dog’s sudden slumber? There is a wide range of potential causes for a dog’s drowsiness. Let’s take a look at each of these points to see whether any of them pertain to your dog.


To put it simply, this is the leading cause of canine drowsiness and listlessness. In all likelihood, your dog is getting up there in age. When compared to humans, dogs age at a considerably faster rate.

A dog’s lifespan is comparable to that of many humans over the course of a single year. For this reason, a dog that reaches the ripe old age of 10 or 13 is already regarded quite ancient, comparable to a human grandfather.

Did you know that a six-year-old dog is roughly as old as a fortieth- or fiftieth-year-old human? By the time your dog reaches the sixth year of life, you may have noticed several changes, some of which may be hard to miss.

For a dog, what exactly does old age entail?

Dental disease, respiratory illness, and blindness are all common in older dogs, just as they are in humans. After the age of six, hearing loss and weight increase are possible in certain dogs. Keep an eye out for arthritis as well, as it is one of the major issues of ageing in dogs.

Because of its diminished physical capacity, the dog is less inclined to get up and play. Everything helps slow down your dog. Humidity, weather, and the general ambient temperature in your house could all play a role in creating discomfort. The weather, especially if it’s too hot or too cold, can dampen your dog’s enthusiasm for exercise.

Pathogens, Bacterial and Virus

There are a number of disorders, especially infectious ones, that can induce lethargy in dogs. Parvovirus and kennel cough are just two examples of the kind of common canine diseases that can cause a dog to feel physically drained, emotionally down, and even depressed. Make sure your dog is up-to-date on its vaccinations to avoid this issue.

The best course of action is to check with your veterinarian every few years to see if your dog needs any further vaccinations due to the emergence of new diseases. Also, remember that irritated canine respiratory linings are more susceptible to bacterial infections. Dogs are susceptible to bacterial infections after contracting a virus. Although viruses themselves don’t cause disease, they can weaken a dog’s immune system to the point where secondary diseases can take hold.

Diseases Caused by Parasites

Your dog may be lethargic because he or she is infected with fleas, ticks, or even hookworms. Fatigue, apathy, malnourishment, and anaemia are just some of the symptoms caused by the blood-sucking parasites that plague dogs. In animals, anaemia can significantly reduce the energy required for play and daily chores. Your dog will progressively become more subdued and less motivated to go around as anaemia causes red blood cells to struggle to carry nutrients and oxygen.

Canine hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is not just a human condition; it may also affect dogs. Dogs with hypothyroidism sometimes exhibit many symptoms, such as excessive weight gain and increased shedding. A dog’s heart can be affected by hypothyroidism. Anemia and a significantly reduced heart rate are common symptoms of this illness in affected dogs. Anemia on its generates a multitude of additional symptoms in canines – especially intolerance of the cold.

Rhythm Disorders

Early or late in life, some canines experience heart difficulties. Dogs with heart problems, regardless of age, have a decreased tolerance for physical activity. They have trouble getting around and tyre quickly. Breathing will be difficult for these dogs, and they will breathe more quickly than healthy canines. Symptoms in the respiratory system, such as coughing, could also appear. If your dog has cardiovascular problems, and they are becoming worse, lethargy won’t be the least of your worries.


The emotional aspect must be considered as well. Dogs, unlike popular belief, can show signs of grief and sadness. Dogs, like humans, can mourn the loss of other species. They feel the same way when one of their pets dies. We don’t know for sure if dogs experience grief in the same way that humans do, but we do know that dogs are smart and that they rely heavily on the intricate pack structure. Therefore, it’s reasonable to infer that a dog’s mood can be negatively affected by a loss of pack status. Is it analogous to the experience of human mourning? Perhaps, but one thing is certain: when dogs are sad or upset, they often become listless and quiet.

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