What is tailored dog food and why does it matter?
For many years, the two options for feeding your pet were to go to the store and buy a bag of uninteresting brown biscuits or spend hours slaving over a hot stove preparing food for them at home.
Dog food options now are far more varied, and we know a lot more about the nutritional requirements of healthy dogs.
Customized dog food has appeared among all these new meals and nutritional fads. Is this canine food actually healthy for our dogs to consume, and what is the idea behind it? See how customised diets are created for your dog and why they’re a terrific method to feed our beloved pets by reading on.
What is tailored dog food?
Ask a nutritionist or physical therapist to prepare a customised diet plan particularly for you if you want to get fit and healthy. This plan will include the nutrients and serving sizes you require to achieve your healthiest, happiest self.
Similar is tailored dog food. It is a custom-made diet made to meet the unique requirements of your dog. Even though it has been modified to suit your dog particularly, it still contains all the nutrients that every dog needs to be healthy.
How is it made?
At Pure Pet Food, we produce personalised dog food using a straightforward process and using the highest-quality human components.
Using common items like apples, chicken, and carrots, we construct customised meals. The ingredients are then thoughtfully balanced to ensure that your dog receives every nutrient, vitamin, and mineral they require to flourish.
We’ll adjust the ingredients and serving sizes in each dish to fit your dog’s specific requirements. Similar to how you may prepare your own meal at home.
We’ll ask you a few questions about your dog’s breed, age, gender, and activity level to understand their lifestyle and dietary needs in order to determine what food will be ideal for them. In order to create the most optimal meals for your children, we will also question you about any illnesses and allergies they may have. This will help us determine which components we should absolutely not use in their diet.
After that, we got to work developing a delicious and nourishing formula for your dog that is tailored to their specific requirements. No matter what recipe we come up with, it will always be made with natural, authentic ingredients that have been finely diced before being carefully heated to eliminate moisture and germs. This naturally preserves the food while retaining all of its health and flavour.
Why is tailored dog food good for dogs?
Every dog is different, with particular requirements and preferences. Customized food helps you meet your dog’s nutritional demands and takes into account all of their unique idiosyncrasies.
It’s healthy and nutritious
The major advantage of specially formulated dog food like Pure is that you can provide your dog superior nourishment that is perfectly catered to his or her needs. Also, we guarantee that their food is created from natural, high-quality components for humans without any strange or covert substances. It’s just wholesome, delicious stuff you would recognise and consume yourself.
Like kibble, our meal isn’t harshly processed, so all of its wonderful richness is preserved. The techniques used to manufacture plain brown biscuits degrade the nutritional content of even the greatest ingredients, so not even a customised kibble can compare.
You can cater for picky pups
There are many fussy dogs out there, despite the fact that the majority of dogs will eat anything you put in front of them. Such fussiness may occasionally be brought on by a disease, allergy, or intolerance. By making your dog’s food specifically for him, you may omit any elements that make him uncomfortable and use just the components he enjoys.
In order to entice dogs to eat their supper and ensure they get all the energy and nutrients they require to survive and grow, we at Pure believe nutritious food should also be delicious.
But, Pure allows you to customise more than just your taste. You can alter the texture of our food because it only requires a small amount of water to rehydrate it before consumption. The consistency of the meal may be altered by altering the amount of water used. If your dog likes it or needs assistance staying hydrated, you may prepare a wetter version of the meal, or you could keep it chunky.
To make supper a fun enrichment activity, you may also try spreading it on a licki matt or putting it in a Kong. Even using warm water will make the dish smell delicious and seem much more appetising!
It’s always in perfect portions
But it doesn’t end there; we’ll determine the ideal serving size for your dog as well. Portion control is essential to help maintain a healthy weight, prevent obesity, and guarantee your dog lives a longer life. No one wants to starve or overfeed their pet.
Hence, a customised dog food from Pure will satisfy all of your dog’s nutritional demands in the quantities and flavours they want.
Tailored food is good for dogs and owners
Apart from all the wonderful advantages for your dog, specialised food may also simplify life for the owners.
First off, a customised diet eliminates the guesswork and effort involved in altering your dog’s food and serving sizes to suit their needs.
Although any “complete” dog food ought to satisfy your dog’s nutritional needs, you would still need to exert some effort to estimate calories and portion out meals to ensure your dog consumes the right amount.
Also, it may be practically difficult to eliminate triggering elements with pre-packaged food if your dog suffers from a particular allergy or illness.
Also, you may change your delivery schedule at any moment and our customised dog food is sent to you free of charge. This means you won’t ever have to worry about running to the store and hauling back a sack of food; food will always be delivered right when you need it.
The fact that Pure Pet Food doesn’t require any refrigerator or freezer space to keep, requires no cooking or chopping to prepare, and carries no danger of contamination makes it one of the most practical personalised diets for dogs. Simply keep the food at room temperature and serve Fido by sprinkling some into a bowl, adding a scoop of water, stirring, and serving. Nothing could be simpler!
So what is tailored dog food and why does it matter?
Simply said, customised food allows you to prepare a tasty dog meal that gives your dog the precise nutrition they require, in the right quantity, while avoiding allergies and irritants, and making sure it tastes good to them.
In the case of Pure, that also means offering premium, natural food free of extra nasties or secret charges.
By eliminating the guesswork involved in calorie counting and meal preparation, tailored food also makes life more simpler for owners. You won’t even need to leave the house to buy your dog’s dinner.
Just tell us about your dog, and we’ll start searching for the ideal components for their meal. You can sample a customised diet for your dog right now.