It takes a lot of creativity and persistence to pick the perfect name for your dog. The name must be something you can easily remember and one that you feel comfortable shouting across a field. Like the dog version of Princess Penelope, the finest feminine dog names include only one or two syllables so you can call her over with a shout. It takes some practice to shout the number three.
Unique girl dog names, like baby names, go through phases of popularity, with many names coming and going after major events like movie releases, sports championships, and television premieres. Inspiring surroundings such as these abound in these locations.
It’s important to avoid giving your child a name that sounds like a command, such as no, sit, remain, wait, come, etc. Similarly, if your daughter’s name is Holly, you shouldn’t name your puppy Molly, because the two names are too similar for your dog to tell them apart. In addition to this, it’s important to avoid associating your female dog’s name with any negative connotations by using her name in positive settings.
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Choose the best name for your female dog by thinking about two-syllable names that end in y, ie, ee, or eigh. Seven out of the ten most common names for female dogs and puppies end with this letter. The names Peggy, Rosie, Callie, Izzy, Kinsley, and Lilly are all examples of this genre.
Repetition and casual use, as if you were addressing a dog, are good ways to test out potential names before settling on one. A few simple commands like “Bailey, sit” or “May, come back” can benefit from its use. This will help you visualize the name and determine whether or not it’s something you might realistically incorporate into your daily life. Click here for advice on how to get your dog to respond to its name.
Refer to this piece if you need some inspiration for a name for your male dog.
Our list of more than a thousand original dog names for female dogs includes both common and unusual choices, from Angel to Onyx.
1. A.J.
2. Abby
3. Ada
4. Adara
5. Addie
6. Addison
7. Adelaide
8. Adele
9. Adeline
10. Adelyn
11. Adriana
12. Agatha
13. Aggy
14. Agnes
15. Aida
16. Air Supply
17. Airabell
18. Aja
19. Akira
20. Alex
21. Alexia
22. Alexis
23. Ali
24. Alice
25. Allie
26. Alma
27. Almond
28. Alyssa
29. Amanda
30. Amari
31. Amber
32. Amber Belle
33. Amelia
34. Amelie
35. Amina
36. Amy
37. Angel
38. Angelica
39. Angelina
40. Angie
41. Anika
42. Anna
43. Annabell
44. Annabelle
45. Annie
46. Antoinette
47. Anya
48. Aphrodite
49. Apple
50. Applejack
51. Apricot
52. April
53. Aquamarine
54. Aria
55. Arianna
56. Ariel
57. Artemis
58. Arya
59. Ashley
60. Asia
61. Aspen
62. Aster
63. Astra
64. Astrid
65. Athena
66. Athenea
67. Atlanta Princess
68. Aubree
69. Aubrey
70. Audrey
71. Auggie
72. Autumn
73. Ava
74. Ava Marie
75. Avery
76. Babe
77. Babette
78. Babushka
79. Baby
80. Bacon

81. Bailey
82. Bambi
83. Bandit
84. Banjo
85. Baroness
86. Basil
87. Bea
88. Bean
89. Beans
90. Bear
91. Beatrice
92. Beauty
93. Becca
94. Bee
95. Bell
96. Bella

97. Bellatrix
98. Belle
99. Bertha
100. Berty
101. Bessie
102. Beth
103. Betsy
104. Betty
105. Bianca
106. Bibi
107. Billie
108. Billie Jean
109. Bindi
110. Birdie
111. Biscuit
112. Bitsy
113. Bittersweet
114. Blair
115. Blakely
116. Blanche
117. Bliss
118. Blondie
119. Blossom
120. Blue
121. Blueberry
122. Blush
123. Bobbin
124. Bonnie
125. Boo
126. BooBoo
127. Boots
128. Bowie
129. Bramble
130. Brandy
131. Bridget
132. Brielle
133. Bright Eyes
134. Brooklyn
135. Brownie
136. Brynlee
137. Brynn
138. Bubblegum
139. Bubbles
140. Buddy
141. Buffy
142. Bugget
143. Bunny
144. Buttercup
145. Butternut
146. Butterscotch
147. Button
148. Cabaret
149. Cadence
150. Cali
151. Callie
152. Cameo
153. Cameron
154. Camilia
155. Camille
156. Candy
157. Cappuccino
158. Cara
159. Caramel
160. Carla
161. Carly
162. Carmela
163. Carmella
164. Carmen
165. Carnation
166. Carol
167. Carolina
168. Carolyn
169. Carrie
170. Casey
171. Cassie
172. Cece
173. Cecelia
174. Celine
175. Cerise
176. Cersei
177. Chaca
178. Cha-Cha
179. Champagne
180. Chance
181. Chanel
182. Chantilly
183. Charity
184. Charlie
185. Charlotte
186. Chelsea
187. Chelsea Louise
188. Cher
189. Cherry
190. Chestnut
191. Cheyenne
192. Chi Chi
193. Chica
194. ChiChi
195. Chloe
196. Choco
197. Chocolate
198. Christa
199. Cici
200. Cinder
201. Cinderella
202. Cinnamon
203. Cinnamon (“Cinny” for short)
204. Claire
205. Clara
206. Clarissa
207. Clementine
208. Cleo
209. Cleo (Cleopatra)
210. Cleopatra
211. Climax
212. Cloud
213. Clover
214. Coco

215. Cocoa
216. Coconut
217. Cola
218. Colby
219. Confectionery
220. Constance
221. Cookie
222. Copper
223. Cora
224. Coraline
225. Cordelia
226. Cotton
227. Courtney
228. Cricket
229. Cruella
230. Crystal
231. Cuddles
232. Cue
233. Cupcake
234. Cupid
235. Cutey
236. Cutey Honey
237. Cutie
238. Dahlia
239. Daiquiri
240. Daisy
241. Daisy Duke
242. Daisy Mae
243. Dakota
244. Dallas
245. Dana
246. Dani
247. Danica
248. Daphne
249. Darbie
250. Darla
251. Darlene
252. Davina
253. Dee Dee
254. Delia
255. Delilah
256. Demi
257. Desert Rose
258. Destiny
259. Dewdrop
260. Diamond
261. Dido
262. Dillie
263. Diva
264. Dixie
265. Dodie
266. Dolly

267. Dolores
268. Dona
269. Dora
270. Dorothy
271. Dory
272. Dory
273. Dot
274. Dottie
275. Dream
276. Drusilla
277. Duchess
278. Eartha
279. Ebony
280. Eden
281. Edie
282. Edith
283. Effie
284. Eleanor
285. Electra
286. Elena
287. Eleven
288. Elf
289. Elisha
290. Eliza
291. Ella

292. Ellie
293. Ellie Rose
294. Eloise
295. Elsa
296. Elsie
297. Elvira
298. Ema
299. Ember
300. Emelia
301. Emery
302. Emma
303. Emma Kate
304. Emmie
305. Emmy
306. Emmylou
307. Enid
308. Erin
309. Esme
310. Esmerelda
311. Essex
312. Estelle
313. Esther
314. Etta
315. Eudora
316. Eva
317. Evanescence
318. Eve
319. Evelyn
320. Ever After
321. Evie

322. Evy
323. Ewok
324. Expresso
325. Eyota (The Greatest)
326. Faith
327. Fancy
328. Fannie
329. Fantasia
330. Farrah
331. Faye
332. Feebs
333. Felecity
334. Felicity
335. Fern
336. Fifi
337. Finley
338. Fiona
339. Flo
340. Floss
341. Fluffy
342. Foxface
343. Foxy
344. Foxy Loxy
345. Fran
346. Frances
347. Frannie
348. Freya
349. Frida
350. Friday
351. Frosting
352. Fuzzy
353. Gabby
354. Gemma
355. Genesis
356. Geneva
357. Georgia
358. Geraldine
359. Gertrude
360. Gia
361. Gidget
362. Gigi

363. Ginger
364. Ginny
365. Giselle
366. Gizmo
367. Gloria
368. Glorious
369. Godiva
370. Golden Girl
371. Goldie
372. Goldilocks
373. Gothel
374. Grace
375. Gracie
376. Greta
377. Gretchen
378. Gwen
379. Gypsy
380. Hadley
381. Haley
382. Half-Note
383. Halle
384. Hallie
385. Hannah
386. Happy
387. Harley
388. Harlow
389. Harmony
390. Harper
391. Harriet
392. Harrietta
393. Hattie
394. Haven
395. Hazel
396. Heaven
397. Heidi
398. Henley
399. Hermione
400. Hershey
401. Hillary
402. Holiday
403. Holly

404. Honey
405. Honeybear
406. Honeybee
407. Honeysuckle
408. Hope
409. Ibby
410. Ice
411. Ida
412. Iggy
413. Imani
414. Inari
415. Indi
416. Indigo
417. Inez
418. Ingrid
419. Inka
420. Irene
421. Iris

422. Isabella
423. Isabelle
424. Isadora
425. Isla
426. Ivory
427. Ivy
428. Izzy
429. Jackie
430. Jada
431. Jade
432. Jadis
433. Jamie
434. Jane
435. Janelle
436. Jasmine

437. Java
438. Jawa
439. Jaws
440. Jazz
441. Jazzy
442. Jelly Bean
443. Jellybean
444. Jemima
445. Jenna
446. Jersey
447. Jess
448. Jessie
449. Jewel
450. Jezebelle
451. Jill
452. Jinx
453. Jo
454. Joan
455. Joan of Arc
456. Jojo
457. Jolene
458. Jordan
459. Josephine
460. Josie
461. Journey
462. Joy
463. Jozzie
464. Jubilee
465. Jude

466. Julie
467. Juliet
468. June
469. June Bug
470. Juniper
471. Juno
472. Juno Pearl
473. Justice
474. Justine
475. Kahlua
476. Kaia
477. Kaleidoscope
478. Kali
479. Kallie
480. Kamila
481. Karina
482. Karla
483. Karma
484. Karma Chameleon
485. Kate
486. Katie
487. Katniss
488. Kay
489. Kaya
490. Kayla
491. Kelly
492. Kelsey
493. Kendall
494. Kendra
495. Kennedy
496. Kenya
497. Kewpie
498. Kiara
499. Kiki

500. Kimbra
501. Kimmie
502. Kimono
503. Kinley
504. Kinsley
505. Kira
506. Kisses
507. Kit
508. Kit Kat
509. Kiwi
510. Koa
511. Koda
512. Koko
513. Kona
514. Korra
515. Krissie
516. Kylee
517. Lacey
518. Lacy
519. Lady
520. Lady J
521. Lady Rover
522. Ladybug
523. Laika
524. Lainey
525. Lakshmi
526. Lana
527. Laney
528. Lara
529. Lassie
530. Lavender
531. Layla
532. Leela
533. Leeloo
534. Leia
535. Leila
536. Leisel
537. Lemon
538. Lena
539. Leona
540. Leslie
541. Lettie
542. Lexi

543. Lexi Lynn
544. Lexie
545. Lexy
546. Liana
547. Libby
548. Liberty
549. Licorice
550. Lila
551. Lilly
552. Lilly Bell
553. Lilo
554. Lily
555. Lily May
556. Liv
557. Liz
558. Lizzie
559. Lizzy
560. Lo
561. Locket
562. Lois
563. Lola
564. Loli
565. Lolita
566. Lolli
567. Lollipop
568. Lolly
569. London
570. Lorelai
571. Loretta
572. Lorraine
573. Lotti
574. Lotus
575. Louise
576. Love
577. Love Potion #9
578. Lovely
579. Luca
580. Lucia
581. Lucille
582. Lucinda
583. Lucky
584. Lucky Charm
585. Lucy
586. Lucy Lu
587. Lula
588. Lulu
589. Luna
590. Lydia
591. Lyla
592. Lyric
593. Mabel
594. Mackenzie
595. Macy
596. Madden
597. Maddie
598. Maddy
599. Madeline
600. Madison
601. Madonna
602. Mae
603. Maeve
604. Magdalena
605. Magenta
606. Maggie
607. Mai Tai
608. Maisey
609. Maisie
610. Maisy

611. Makayla
612. Mal
613. Maleficent
614. Malia
615. Mallory
616. Mamba
617. Mamie
618. Man Killer
619. Mandy
620. Mango
621. Manon
622. Maple
623. Mara
624. Margaret
625. Margot
626. Maria
627. Mariah
628. Marianna
629. Marigold
630. Marilyn
631. Marley
632. Marshmallow
633. Martha
634. Martina
635. Mary
636. Mary Helen
637. Mary Jane (MJ)
638. Mashmallow
639. Matilda
640. Maude
641. Mavis
642. May
643. Maya
644. Mazie
645. Mckenna
646. Meadow
647. Meadowlark
648. Medusa
649. Megan
650. Mel
651. Melina
652. Melody
653. Mercy
654. Mia
655. Mika
656. Mila
657. Miley
658. Millie
659. Millie Grace
660. Mimi

661. Mimie
662. Minnie
663. Minx
664. Miranda
665. Miriam
666. Miss Beazley
667. Missy
668. Misty
669. Mitsy
670. Mitzi
671. Mocca
672. Mocha
673. Mochi
674. Mollie
675. Molly
676. Momo
677. Mona Lisa
678. Monet
679. Moon
680. Moondancer
681. Mopsy
682. Morgan
683. Mossie
684. Mouse
685. Moxie
686. Muffin
687. Munchkin
688. Mya
689. Myka
690. Myra
691. Myrtle
692. Mystic
693. Mystique
694. Nabisco
695. Nadia
696. Nala
697. Nala
698. Nana
699. Nanette
700. Naomi
701. Narcissus
702. Natalie
703. Navi
704. Nell
705. Nellie
706. Nellie Kate
707. Nema
708. Nermal
709. Nessa
710. Nessie
711. Nettie
712. Nia
713. Nibbles
714. Nichole
715. Nightingale
716. Niki
717. Nikita
718. Nikki
719. Nina
720. Nina Faith
721. Nippy
722. Noalie
723. Noel
724. Noelle
725. Nola
726. Noodles
727. Nora
728. Nori
729. Norma
730. Nova
731. Nugget
732. Nutmeg
733. Oakley
734. Octavia
735. Odessa
736. Olga
737. Olive
738. Olivia
739. Olivia Faye
740. Onyx
741. Opal
742. Ophelia
743. Ophrah
744. Orchid
745. Orea
746. Oreo
747. Paige
748. Paisley
749. Panda
750. Pandora
751. Pansy
752. Papoose
753. Paradise
754. Paris
755. Parker
756. Patches
757. Patsy
758. Payton
759. Peach
760. Peaches
761. Peanut
762. Peanut Butter
763. Pearl
764. Pebble
765. Pebbles
766. Pee Wee
767. Peggy
768. Penelope
769. Penelope Jane
770. Penny

771. Pepper
772. Perdia
773. Perdita
774. Periwinkle
775. Petal
776. Petra
777. Petunia
778. Phoebe
779. Phoenix
780. Pickle
781. Piggy
782. Pinky
783. Pip
784. Piper
785. Pippa
786. Pippi
787. Pippin
788. Pippy
789. Pistachio
790. Pixie
791. Plum
792. Pocahontas
793. Poet
794. Polly
795. Pookie
796. Poppy
797. Porkchop
798. Portia
799. Precious
800. Pretzel
801. Prim
802. Primrose
803. Princess
804. Priscilla
805. Prisha
806. Prissy
807. Prudie
808. Puddin
809. Pumpkin
810. Punky
811. Queen
812. Queen Ann
813. Queen Elizabeth
814. Queen Rasha
815. Quinn
816. Quinsy
817. Rachael Mae
818. Rae
819. Rainbow
820. Rapunzel
821. Raven
822. Reba
823. Red
824. Reese

825. Regina
826. Remy
827. Reno
828. Rey
829. Ridley
830. Rigby
831. Rihanna
832. Riley
833. Rio
834. Ripley
835. Rita
836. River
837. Robyn
838. Rockie
839. Rococo
840. Roma
841. Ronan
842. Roo
843. Rosa
844. Rosalie
845. Rose
846. Rosebud
847. Rosemary
848. Rosie
849. Rowan
850. Roxie
851. Roxy
852. Roz
853. Ruby
854. Ruby Ann
855. Ruffles
856. Rumba
857. Ruth
858. Ruthie
859. Rylie
860. Sabine
861. Sabrina
862. Sadie
863. Sadie Mae
864. Sage
865. Sahara
866. Sally
867. Sam
868. Sammie
869. Sandy
870. Sansa
871. Sapphire

872. Sappho
873. Sarah Jane
874. Sarah Jessica Barker
875. Sasha
876. Sassy
877. Savannah
878. Sawyer
879. Scampers
880. Scarlet
881. Scarlett
882. Scooter
883. Scout
884. Sedona
885. Selena
886. Selma
887. Serena
888. Serenity
889. Shadow
890. Shakira
891. Shasta
892. Sheba
893. Shelby
894. Shelly
895. Sherbet
896. Shiloh
897. Shirley
898. Sia
899. Sicily
900. Sidney
901. Sienna
902. Sierra
903. Silky
904. Silvia
905. Siri
906. Sirius
907. Sissy
908. Siti
909. Skittles
910. Skye
911. Skylar
912. Sloane
913. Smokey
914. Smooches
915. Snapdragon
916. Snickers
917. Snookie
918. Snow
919. Snowball
920. Snowflake
921. Snuggles
922. Sofia
923. Sonya
924. Sookie
925. Sophia
926. Sophia Grace
927. Sophie
928. Sorbet
929. Sparia
930. Sparkle
931. Spirit
932. Sprinkles

933. Squat
934. Squirt
935. Star
936. Starburst
937. Starla
938. Starr
939. Steffi
940. Stella
941. Storm
942. Sue
943. Sugar
944. Suki
945. Summer
946. Sunny
947. Sunrise Dawn
948. Sunshine
949. Susannah
950. Susie
951. Suzie
952. Sweet Pea
953. Sweetheart
954. Sweetie
955. Sydney
956. Sylvia
957. Tabitha
958. Taboo
959. Taffy
960. Tahiti
961. Tala
962. Talia
963. Tallulah
964. Talulah
965. Tamara
966. Tara
967. Tasha
968. Tasty
969. Taylor
970. Taz
971. Teddy
972. Teegan
973. Teeny
974. Tess
975. Tessa
976. Thea
977. Theo
978. Theodora
979. Tiana
980. Tiara
981. Tiger
982. Tilly

983. Tina
984. Tina Marie
985. Tinkerbell
986. Tizzy
987. Toffee
988. Tootsie
989. Tremaine
990. Tricky
991. Trinity
992. Trinket
993. Trisha
994. Trixie
995. Trouble
996. Trudy
997. Trudy Lynn
998. Truffle
999. Truffles
1000. Trunchbull
1001. Tulip
1002. Twinkie
1003. Twinkle
1004. Una
1005. Ursula
1006. Utah
1007. Valentine
1008. Valeria
1009. Valerie
1010. Velma
1011. Velma
1012. Velvet
1013. Venus
1014. Vera
1015. Veruca
1016. Vi
1017. Victoria
1018. Victorious
1019. Vienna
1020. Viki
1021. Viola
1022. Violet
1023. Violet Jade
1024. Virginia
1025. Vivi
1026. Vivienne
1027. Vixen
1028. Waffles
1029. Whimsey
1030. Whisper
1031. Whitney
1032. Whoopi
1033. Whoopie
1034. Widget
1035. Wiggles
1036. Willa
1037. Willow
1038. Wilma
1039. Winifred
1040. Winnie
1041. Winter
1042. Wisteria
1043. Wren
1044. Wrigley
1045. Xena
1046. Yara
1047. Yasmin
1048. Yasmine
1049. Yoko
1050. Yuki

1051. Yumi
1052. Yuna
1053. Yvonne
1054. Yzma
1055. Zailey
1056. Zara
1057. Zeda
1058. Zelda
1059. Zia
1060. Ziggie
1061. Ziggy
1062. Zo
1063. Zoe
1064. Zoebelle
1065. Zoey
1066. Zola
1067. Zuni
1068. Zuri
1069. Zuzu