How to Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula 2023

How to Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula

Updated on August 20, 2023

Honduran curly hair tarantula on rocks

How to Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula

The tarantula with curly hair has a rounded body and long, curly bristles that cover it; this gives the spider its popular name. Some of the bristles are golden, but the majority are a dark brown to black colour. The spider acquires a bronze sheen as a result. Ground-dwelling, burrowing spiders with curly hair are endemic to Central America. For the pet trade, many are also raised in captivity.

These spiders are perfect for people who are new to caring for tarantulas as pets because they are typically quiet, hardy, and simple to take care of. They need live prey and housing that resembles their native habitat. And although some owners do handle their pets, tarantulas are generally kept as hands-off pets.

Tarantulas with Curly Hair: Behaviour and Attitude

These tarantulas are incredibly tranquil and laid-back pets. If you were expecting a vibrant animal, you might even find them boring. A tarantula with curly hair will roam around its container and may even rearrange some of the things you give it, like bits of bark. But unless it is chasing its prey, your spider will often sit in an upright position.

However, since tarantulas with curly hair are quickly startled, you should limit any handling. As long as you approach them with extreme patience and gentleness, some spiders won’t mind sitting on your hand or arm. When handling these creatures, it is preferable to sit on the floor in case they do become frightened and attempt to escape. Even a short fall from a few feet can cause them serious harm or even death.

Curly haired tarantulas may also employ their defence systems if they feel threatened. They have the ability to kick hairs from their bellies that can irritate someone’s skin and harm you if they get in your eyes. Because of this, it’s crucial to thoroughly wash your hands after handling a tarantula or anything in its enclosure (and to avoid rubbing your eyes). Even though they are typically calm, curly hair tarantulas have been known to defend themselves by biting.1

Keep household pets like tarantulas away from any animals and kids who might handle them improperly. Since they are solitary creatures, curly hair tarantulas shouldn’t even be kept alongside other spiders of the same species. Feeding and cleaning should take a few hours each week. then just take in the sight of this fascinating creature.

Size Specifications

The leg span of tarantulas with curly hair is roughly 5 to 6 inches. The length of their body is roughly 3 inches.

How to Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula2023


For curly hair tarantulas, a 5- to 10-gallon tank with a safe, ventilated top is ideal. Since these tarantulas can’t climb very high, ground area is more crucial than height. The tank’s length should be around three times the spider’s limb span, and its breadth should be about two to three times that. A height of around a foot will do.

Keep the tank’s temperature between 75 and 85 degrees. To maintain the proper temperature, you can place a heating pad under the tank. This temperature needs to be checked frequently using a thermometer. Keep the tank away of the sun’s direct rays. Additionally, you can use a hygrometer to measure the humidity level in the tarantula’s tank, which should be between 65 and 70 percent. Use a spray bottle to lightly sprinkle the tank with clean water if you need to increase the humidity.
After 24 hours, remove any unfinished prey to keep the enclosure tidy. In addition, keep an eye out for mould growth, which is possible given the dampness. If you see any mould beginning to grow on the bedding, get rid of it right once. Every four to six months, the bedding should be completely changed.

Unique Substrate Requirements

Peat moss, chemical-free potting soil, or vermiculite should be spread out at least 3 inches deep in the tank’s bottom. Coconut husk bedding is an additional choice and is offered at many pet supply stores. To provide your spider with a place to hide, add pieces of cork bark, a hollow log, or even half of a tiny clay flower pot.

What Do Tarantulas with Curly Hair Eat and Drink?

Live crickets, roaches, waxworms, and other insects are consumed by tarantulas with curly hair. The insects shouldn’t be bigger than your tarantula’s body size. Additionally, you can occasionally feed adult tarantulas pinky mice. While adults typically eat once a week, this might vary, young tarantulas often require feedings every two to five days. For advice on the right kind and amount of food to feed your particular animal, speak with your veterinarian.

Just place the prey in the area next to your spider. It is advised to feed the spider in the evening when it is more active and hungry. If you don’t eliminate undesirable prey within 24 hours, your spider can become stressed.

The majority of the hydration for tarantulas with curly hair comes from food. However, you should still place a little dish of water inside the enclosure. Ensure that the spider can readily enter and exit the dish. Every day, wash the dish with fresh water.

Typical Health Issues

When kept in the right surroundings and fed the proper diet, tarantulas normally don’t have many health issues. However, if your spider has lost its appetite or has grown lethargic, speak with your veterinarian to determine the cause.

How to Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula2023

Those behaviours are typically indicators that your spider is getting ready to moult, which is a completely normal process. A tarantula produces a new exoskeleton while going through a moult. Additionally, a lot of spiders moult while flat on their backs with their legs curled up, which some owners who aren’t aware with the process can mistake for a spider dying. Although the actual moult only lasts a few hours, the entire process can go on for weeks. To protect the spider, the new exoskeleton needs to harden. However, talk to your veterinarian if you believe your spider’s moult is lasting longer than it should or otherwise looks out of the ordinary. Feeding live prey during a moult is also not advised since it could harm the newly developed exoskeleton.


Before you purchase a tarantula, make sure there is a veterinarian nearby who will see one because not all veterinarians specialise in exotic pets.


Curly hair tarantulas require exercise to maintain good health, just like any other animal. However, they don’t call for a lot. The tarantula should get the necessary exercise as long as its enclosure is big enough.


In essence, tarantulas groom themselves via moulting. They shouldn’t require any additional help from you as long as you keep the environment’s temperature and humidity at the proper levels and keep live prey away from them. Additionally, avoid handling your spider when it is moulting because doing so could harm the new, delicate exoskeleton.

Upkeep Charges

When caring for a tarantula with curly hair, its food will be your main monthly expense. Expect to spend $5 to $10 a month, though you may frequently save money by cultivating your own crickets rather than buying them from a pet store. It can cost between $10 and $20 to occasionally replace the substrate and other worn out components of the enclosure. Don’t forget to include veterinarian care and emergencies in your budget as well.

A Curly Hair Tarantula’s Advantages and Disadvantages as a Pet

Tarantulas with curly hair make fascinating and peaceful companions. They take up very little room and don’t need any maintenance. They won’t, however, make friendly or tame pets because they are tarantulas. Furthermore, for people who love a lot of excitement, they are not extremely active creatures.

Tarantulas that resemble the curly haired tarantula

Visit these websites if tarantulas as pets interest you:

Red-knee tarantula from Mexico
Tarantula rose from Chile
Mexican red-legged spider
If not, look into other exotic animals that might make good pets.

How to Buy or Adopt a Curly Hair Tarantula

Pet retailers occasionally carry this species. But going through a reputable breeder or exotic pet rescue organisation is frequently simpler. You should be able to get details on the history and condition of the animal from reputable sellers. The typical price range is between $20 to $50, but this can vary depending on the animal’s age, for example. Additionally, because women live longer, they often cost more.


A good seller may be recommended to you by a nearby exotic animal doctor. The biggest advantage of visiting a breeder is that you’ll probably have access to a larger selection of young animals. Before taking an animal home, make an appointment to see it. Make that the tarantula you select is awake and in good physical shape. A shrivelled or lifeless appearance may be a sign of illness. Ask to watch the spider eat if you can. Simply house them separately if you’re bringing home many spiders to prevent unintentionally starting your own breeding programme.

How to Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula 2023

Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula top view

Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula

The Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula in Brief

How to Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula 2023


How much do Honduran tarantulas with curly hair cost?



  • Does a curly hair tarantula make a good pet for kids?

Children who are aware of the curly hair tarantula’s handling requirements and who feel comfortable feeding live prey can keep one as a pet.

Are curly hair tarantulas hard to take care of?

The only real care that curly hair tarantulas need are frequent feedings and occasional cleanings.

Does the curly hair tarantula like to be held?

With gentle handling, certain tarantulas with curly hair may feel at ease. Although normally calm, the species can be frightened easily.





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