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Why do we need cities? Urban centres are home to the majority of the world’s population. Because parks and other green spaces in urban areas aren’t as easily accessible as in the suburbs or the countryside, city dwellers would be wise to familiarise themselves with what’s available. Acres of green space, pure air, and less traffic are just some of the guarantees of a good doggie life in a rural setting.

If you and your dog are looking for a new place to call home, or if you are planning a weekend getaway, you will want to know which cities are the most dog-friendly.

Table of Contents

To what extent do certain environmental factors make a given location optimal for canine residents?

There are seven main criteria to consider when deciding where you and your dog should settle down. All of these factors influence how long and happily our animal pals live and how healthy they are.

When deciding whether or not a certain location is dog-friendly, it’s important to take into account the following criteria:

This area’s plenty of parks and other greenery.
What I’ve heard about the nearby parks’ quality
Number of vehicles on the road
Indicators of Poor Air Quality
Public sanitation
Dogs as a percentage of the population
How many bars there are in a given area that allow dogs
Researchers looked at the dog-friendliness of the 25 largest cities in the United Kingdom. To help you find the best areas to live with your dog, we’ve ranked them using the criteria stated above, with 1 being the best and 25 being the worst.


WORST (#25)
Measurement of the amount of green space
The State of Parks in America
Number of vehicles on the road
Indicators of Poor Air Quality
Public sanitation
Ratio of canine companions to human population
Preston London
Dog-friendly bars as a percentage of total

Why are these considerations so vital when deciding where dogs should make their home?

When researching potential new homes, it’s important to think about all of these things, but some are more obvious than others. Having lots of greenery and fantastic nearby parks, for instance, is crucial for ensuring that your dog has plenty of dog-approved places to go for walks.

Meanwhile, the number of cars on the road and the cleanliness of the sidewalks are both critical factors in ensuring pedestrian safety. If there are frequent traffic jams and fast-moving vehicles, you and your dog may be in more danger than usual while strolling outside. Likewise, if your dog gets into the habit of trying to eat litter, he or she is putting herself in danger of suffocation or illness. Because pollution can cause respiratory ailments and even Alzheimer’s in dogs, air quality is an im-paw-tent health factor, just as it is for humans.

Last but not least, a useful measure of how dog-friendly a region is is the concentration of watering holes that allow dogs. The abundance of canines in the region attests to its popularity among dog owners. (It also implies that there will be many canine companions in the area.)


Below is a ranking of 25 cities, from the worst (#25) to the best (#1). Places where dogs are welcome rank highest.

If an area does poorly on all seven criteria, the worst possible score is 175. Therefor, a lower rating indicates that the location or city in question is more dog-friendly.


By and large, Portsmouth is the worst city on this list to own a dog in. Reasons for this include high levels of pollution and traffic, as well as the second-lowest amount of green space compared to the other cities on this list.

Fortunately, it ranks in the top 10 for clean streets and ample green space. Even though there isn’t a lot of options for areas to take your dog for a walk, the ones that are available are nice and quite clean.

The local dog population is significantly lower than typical, and there aren’t too many watering holes that welcome canines. The amount of vets, though, is about par for the course. Paw-haps In that case, dogs are a rarity in Portsmouth but there are plenty of cats and other animals to go around. Moreover, there are still certain hotels, restaurants, and attractions that welcome pets, albeit the number of such places is far smaller than the number of establishments that allow humans and their canine companions.

Portsmouth is not the most dog-friendly city, but it does have high standards of cleanliness and decent parks, if you know where to look.

Quality of parks ranked eighth, traffic density ranked twenty-four, and air quality ranked twenty-four.
Cleanliness in the Streets: No. 9
How many dog-friendly bars there are per 100 people ranks #19, whereas the number of dogs in a given area is #17.
We ended up with a 126 overall.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


When compared to other cities, Southampton is not very dog-friendly. However, there are two positives for dog owners to consider this location. First, the cleanliness of the streets is remarkable. The second is that veterinarians are easily accessible. Every 10,000 individuals or so, a new medical office opens. However, there aren’t a lot of dog owners in this city because the average number of dogs per household is quite low. Nonetheless, the per-capita number of dog-friendly bars is about the same as the national average. As a result, canine residents have a wide variety of options when deciding where to take their human companions.

Southampton lacks in any other way. It’s not well kept, and there’s not much greenery. Traffic is heavy, and the air quality is low. (Probably associated with the scarcity of parks and the overabundance of automobiles.)

The ratings for Southampton are a touch disappointing, with the exception of the city’s spotless cleanliness.

Green space quantity 23, park quality 19, traffic density 19, air quality, and sanitation 22, and street cleanliness
There are around 5 dogs for every human being.
Average number of dog-friendly bars per 100,000 people: 19
A total of 13 makes for a 120 point score.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


When compared to other cities, Coventry is about par when it comes to accommodating dog owners. Parks and air quality are around average, while cleanliness, access to veterinarians, and dog population are all below average.

Coventry falls short because to the overcrowding and the scarcity of parks and other open areas. It also has a lower concentration of dog-friendly bars than the national average. Put simply, it will be difficult to take your dog with you anywhere. In conclusion, Coventry is an average place to raise a dog.

Coventry may be better, but it could also be worse, as a place for canine companions and their human families to call home.

Number of dogs per capita 21 Park quantity 21 Park quality 14 Traffic volume 21 Air quality 15 Street cleanliness 15
Dog owners can choose from 13 bars in their area.
The final tally was 117.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Leicester scores poorly below the national average on all but two aspects of dog-friendliness. The tiny number of canine residents in the historic centre is likely due to the fact that it is not the finest area to raise a pooch. There are fewer parks and even fewer veterinarians than normal.

What little greenery there is is, nevertheless, lovely. Congestion, smog, and garbage make walking less pleasant. Even though the dog population is decreasing, this city has more dog-friendly bars than most others. You can take your dog for a stroll and have a beer together.

Leicester’s scores are lacklustre overall, with the exception of its lovely parks.

Green area percentage 18 Park quality 3 Traffic density 20 Cleanliness of public spaces 21 Canine population density
There are around 21 dog-friendly bars for every 100,000 people.
The Overall Mark Was 113
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)

#21 – LONDON

It’s hardly shocking that London isn’t a great place to bring Fido and his pals. Nobody will be surprised to learn that the capital is the most congested and polluted area in the country. In addition, its canine population is the fewest of any place on record. Considering the city’s low dog population, London’s second-worst ratio of one veterinary clinic for every 200,000 inhabitants makes sense.

However, despite these somewhat predictable drawbacks, London also offers a wealth of wonderful advantages. It’s got a good amount of parks and gardens, and they’re all in immaculate condition. Some of the largest and most beautiful parks in the country can be found in London, making it the ideal place to take your dog for a stroll. (Especially in Greater London’s boroughs like Richmond.) In terms of the percentage of bars that welcome dogs and cats, it ranks second highest in the country. With so many pubs and green spaces, London is doggie paradise, but there aren’t many canine companions to share it with.

The three poor results for London do not come as a surprise. But it’s the ideal spot for a stroll and a beverage. Maybe great for a day vacation, if not a permanent move with Fido.

Green area 15 Park quality 2 Traffic density 25
Smog level 25
Hygiene in the Streets, Number 16
Ratio of canine companions to human population
25 \sNo. of dog-friendly pubs per capita
For a full breakdown of the score, see below.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Hull is a great spot to take your dog for a drive because the traffic is light and the air quality is better than normal. The number of dogs living there is likewise rapidly increasing (the fifth largest in the country). Fewer cars and a larger concentration of canine companions are the only factors that make Hull a desirable place to live for dogs. That being said, there is an active community of dog owners trying to keep tabs of where in the city is dog friendly.

There isn’t a tonne of nice locations to go for walks in the city because there isn’t a lot of green space and what there is isn’t in the finest of shape. There aren’t many places to go out with your dog, and the streets aren’t exactly spotless. Despite the high number of canine residents, Hull has a very low concentration of veterinarians.

Considering the ratings, it’s clear that Hull has the potential to become an even more dog-friendly location to live.

Area of Parks and Gardens 22
21 Quality Parks
3 Density of Traffic
Smog level 12
Urban Sanitation 20
Population of Dogs: 5
No. of dog-friendly bars per capita 23
There was a 106 overall.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)



Even while Birmingham does not have a lot of parks, the ones it does have are beautiful. It’s surprising that traffic and pollution levels aren’t worse, given that the city is one of the largest in the UK. Nonetheless, that’s still not very good.

There aren’t many canine residents in Birmingham, and that’s reflected in the city’s abundance of dog-friendly watering holes and veterinary clinics. When compared to other cities around the United States, Birmingham has the fewest number of veterinarians per resident. Over a quarter of a million patients need to be cared for by each office. But the city’s streets are spotless, and it’s a lively place where anyone or any dog would feel at home.

There may be an explanation for why there aren’t more dogs living in the city. There is little doubt that Birmingham is a student town. Nearly one in ten people here are enrolled in one of the area’s eight colleges or institutions. In comparison to other cities, the percentage may not seem like much. It’s simple to see why it’s not an option to have a dog, given that most rental properties and student housing do not allow pets.

However, you may be able to locate a nice, quiet spot to live if you look outside of the main student neighbourhoods like Selly Oak.

Providing there were more dogs, Birmingham would be a canine utopia.

19 acres of parkland
7 Parks of High Quality
Volume of Traffic, 17th Edition
Pollutant Level 17 in the Air
Cleanliness in the Streets: Third Edition
Dogs: 23 for every 100,000 people
Twenty dog-friendly bars for every one hundred people.
There was a 106 overall.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Stoke-on-Trent is comparable to other leading candidates in terms of traffic congestion, air quality, and street cleanliness. However, the city fails to impress when it comes to the availability of parks and watering holes that welcome canines. While the city may be well-known for its pottery, it is not for its parks. However, there are several excellent dog-walking spots in and around Stoke-on-Trent.


When it comes to parks and dog-friendly bars, Trent is last on the list of all the cities and towns we considered. There are also significantly fewer veterinary clinics than would be ideal. This is really bad, because there are many wonderful things about the city that may make it an ideal place for you and your dog to settle down.

The results for Stoke are nearly perfect, except for the two categories in which it performs the worst: parks and bars.

Quantity of parks, in terms of size, 14
The number of cars per hour 2 The cleanliness of the air 8 The state of the streets
The average number of dogs per human: 7
There are around 16 dog-friendly bars for every 100,000 people.
There was a total of 97 points awarded.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Sunderland is one of the cleanest large cities in the United Kingdom. As a result, not only is there no traffic or congestion, but there is also very little trash or pollution. This city falls short because it has less green space than typical and its parks are in poor shape. Sunderland would rank higher as a dog-friendly city if its parks were as well maintained as its streets.

The local dog population is declining, and this trend is reflected in the small number of bars that welcome canines. Veterinarians are similarly in short supply relative to the population. However, as long as you still take your dog out on regular occasions, the city’s reduced dog population shouldn’t be too much of a concern. We anticipate that there will be a rise in the number of bars that welcome dogs as the dog population rises.

Sunderland has the potential to become one of the best places to live with a dog if it were to attract more dog owners and invest in its parks.

Density of traffic 5 Quality of air 3 State of streets 4 Canine population density 16 Square feet of parkland per inhabitant
There are around 22 dog-friendly bars for every 10,000 people.
Overall Grade: 95
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)

#16 – DERBY

Even though Derby has fewer parks per capita than other cities, the ones that are here are immaculately maintained and always full of other dogs. It appears that Derby is a dog-friendly city, as it boasts the second-highest dog population density.

Unfortunately, there are also more cars than is healthy, thus the air quality isn’t great. It’s a relief that the city is tidy, and there are numerous watering holes that welcome canine companions. It would rank among the top ten if there were more parks and less cars. If you’re willing to venture outside the city limits, however, you’ll find a wealth of rural strolls waiting for you.

In spite of some unimpressive ratings, Derby remains one of the most pup-ular locations to call home.

Quantity of parks, 17 Quality of Parks 9, Traffic Density 23, Air Quality 19, and Street Cleanliness
There are 11 dogs for every human.
Two dog-friendly bars for every one human
11 For a Full Score of 92
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


When compared to Liverpool, Middlesborough has similar rankings, however it is ranked lower because it is located in a region with extremes when it comes to living with a dog.

Despite the congestion, the air quality is quite high. One possible explanation is the abundance of parks and other green areas throughout the city. The only category in which Middlesborough ranks in the middle of the pack is cleanliness. If not, pick a side of the table.

The number of dogs and veterinarians are both significantly lower than the national average. In contrast, you won’t be short on options for a Sunday lunch and a pint with your dog in this town, as it boasts more dog-friendly pubs than any other place in the country. While the quality of the park’s green areas is low, there is no shortage of space. Middlesbrough is a great area to live if you and your dog enjoy going for long walks and then curling up together with a beverage.

Middlesbrough has the highest number of dog-friendly bars, according to the survey’s results. It’s a shame that some of the other ratings aren’t as high.

Cleanliness of public spaces, quantity of parks, and the quality of the air are also important.
Total number of dogs per human being: 13
Twenty percent of bars allow dogs.
Overall Grade: 91
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


If you’re a dog or a dog lover, Liverpool is a decent spot to call home. Scores are all over the place.

Liverpool is a top pick for dog owners because of its abundance of parks and the high standard to which they are maintained. Although there are fewer dogs than usual living in this city, there are a surprisingly large number of dog-friendly establishments. However, the street cleanliness and number of veterinarians per population are among the lowest in the country. It’s a shame, because Liverpool usually has decent offensive output. As a result, we consider Liverpool to be about par for the course when it comes to assessing the suitability of a city as a place to house a pet. Being there is fantastic in some ways and could be better in others.

Not to be sneezed at, Liverpool’s scores show that it’s a fantastic city for canine outings and socialisation.

Green space quantity 11 quality of parks 5 traffic density 15 air quality 11 cleanliness of the streets
Canine population density
Approximately 18 dog-friendly bars for every 100,000 people.
Overall Grade: 90
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Your dog and you have picked a great city to call home in with Reading. There are less green areas to stroll around, but what there is is in pristine condition. In addition, if you take a stroll through the downtown area, you’ll note that there are hardly any cars here. In spite of a slightly lower-than-average dog population, the city boasts a higher concentration of both veterinary clinics and watering holes welcoming four-legged friends.

The lack of walking paths is not a major issue because the available green area is lovely and enjoyable to explore. Plus, there are a tonne of fantastic areas within commuting distance of the city that are ideal for taking Fido for a more rural stroll. Reading would be one of the best cities to own a dog in if it had a few more parks and other open areas.

If you can’t understand why Reading is one of the best places to live with your dog, you must be barking mad.

Count of Parks and Gardens 24
Number of dogs per capita 14 Park cleanliness 23 Air quality 23 Vehicle traffic density 1
Average number of dog-friendly bars: 15
The Overall Mark Is an 89
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Tied with Sheffield on points, Bradford is placed lower because the two factors that let it down are quite obvious. Bradford, among all the cities and towns evaluated, has the greatest littering problem, which can be especially troublesome for curious or hungry dogs. There are also very few dog-friendly pubs, despite the city having one of the largest pup-ulations of anywhere in the country. It’s also one of the 10 worst areas in terms of veterinarians per capita, so expect each clinic to see several thousand patients and their pets every year.

Bradford does well in most categories, so this is unfortunate. It boasts plenty of parks, fewer cars than normal, and superb air quality. Thanks to the abundance of parks and pets, your dog is almost guaranteed to make new friends whenever you go for a stroll.

Bradford is a fantastic area for dogs to call home, but its poor score on street cleanliness prevents it from cracking the top ten.

Bradford has recorded several impressive highlights and only two discouraging lows on his record.

Quantity of parks 11 Quality of parks 12 Density of traffic 10 Cleanliness of the air on the streets 7
Dogs make up 25% of the whole population.
3 \sNo. of dog-friendly pubs per capita
Total Score: 88
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Sheffield is a great place to settle down with your dog if you both enjoy taking things at a slow pace. It has some of the purest air in the country and a low traffic density. It also has slightly more green area than typical, but its greenery is undermined by garbage.

Sheffield has a smaller canine population and fewer dog-friendly watering holes and veterinarian clinics than other major cities. However, there are still plenty of dogs in Sheffield, so you may need to arrange puppy playdates to make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and socialisation.

Sheffield’s results demonstrate why it’s an underdog and not one of the top 10 most dog-friendly cities in the country.

Park density and quality 17 Vehicle volumes 4 Air quality 2 Street cleanliness 23
Canine population density
In the United Kingdom, there are 14 dog-friendly bars for every 100,000 residents.
88 is the total possible score.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Southend-on- All but two categories give the sea an above-average or better score, making it an ideal location to keep a dog. The town’s poor air quality and the lack of dog-friendly bars are the only real downsides. Southend isn’t the best area to live if you have a dog because of the lack of leash laws, but it could be perfect for you if you don’t mind taking Fido to the pub with you.

Your dog can enjoy many of the area’s clean parks and beaches (within restrictions). In addition to being one of the cleanest places in the country, Southend-on-Sea also has a high concentration of veterinarians per capita. This is a great place to live if you and your dog like tranquil walks in pristine environments. For this reason, Southend-on-Sea rounds off our list of the top 10 cities where dog owners will feel at home. But if more bars and restaurants were pet-friendly, it would surely rise to the top five.

Aside from those two areas, Southend is a very dog-friendly place.

Green area 13, park quality 6; traffic density 12; air quality 16; cleanliness of streets
Canine Population Density: 2.0
The average number of dog-friendly bars per capita is 12.
Overall Grade: 85
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


The city of Bristol is neat and tidy, and there are many interesting destinations within easy driving distance. Due to its abundance of puppies and dog-friendly bars, this city is in the top ten in the country. Undeniably, it’s a top-tier location for canines and their human companions.

However, the quality of the local parks and the amount of green space available are major drawbacks. The tight layout of this city likely contributes to its slightly higher than average traffic density and consequently poor air quality.

However, if you can get over the city’s paucity of green spaces, you’ll find a vibrant dog-friendly scene and miles of scenic trails just beyond city limits. Bristol is a lively city where you and your pet will be treated like family and have a great time.

Bristol’s scores put it firmly in the top 10 dog-friendly cities.

Park quantity and quality (18)Traffic density (14)Air quality (14)Cleanliness of the streets (20)
On average, there are 8 dogs for every human.
Per capita, there are four bars that allow dogs.
Sum of the Parts: 83
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


It’s still a tight competition for slots in the top 10 best places to live for dogs. As a result of its abundance of parks and selection of watering holes that welcome canine patrons, Nottingham is among the best in the group. You may take your dog for a stroll everywhere, and you can find a nice spot to have a Sunday roast at any of the nearby restaurants. The population of veterinarians is approximately average, and the traffic density is slightly lower than average, relative to other cities and towns. Furthermore, Nottingham is one of the most dog-friendly cities to live in England because it has one of the greatest populations of dogs.

However, there are only two genuine negatives to life in Nottingham for a dog. That is that the air isn’t as clean as it could be. However, the parks are considerably inferior to those of competing urban centres. There are a lot of them, and they are mediocre at best, but they are easily accessible. If your dog needs a lot of room to run around without being tethered to you all the time, Nottingham may be the perfect area for you to settle down with Fido.

As a result of its above-average performance in all categories save two, it’s no surprise that dog owners love Nottingham.

Total parkland area, 8, park quality, 22, traffic density, 11, air quality, 18, and street cleanliness,
Approximately 10 canine companions for every human
9 \sNo. of dog-friendly pubs per capita
The Overall Mark: 81
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)

#7 – LEEDS

Leeds is located again, this time only a notch below. You can take your dog for a stroll in any of the city’s many parks. Unfortunately, the city’s green area is of slightly lower quality than usual, and litter can be an issue there. A quick drive will take you to a wide variety of rural walking destinations.

On the other hand, the city’s reduced traffic levels are reflected in improved air quality. There may be fewer dog-friendly bars than usual, but you and Fido can still find plenty of options to “pup” in for a beverage. For whatever reason, Leeds also has one of the highest dog populations of any city.

As a result of their high rankings, Leeds is considered to be a fantastic area to call home if you and your dog are looking for a dog-friendly community.

Number of parks, and their quality, 16 Traffic density 8 Pollution levels in the air, 10 Cleanliness of the streets, 22
Canine population density
There are around 6 dog-friendly bars for every 100,000 people.
15 Added Together: 80
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


The ratings show that it becomes increasingly difficult to choose between cities as safe havens for dogs. Brighton is second to Manchester by just one point, and just like the major metropolis, it does very well when it does things well.

Paw-fect for walkies, Brighton has the highest quality parks of anywhere on the list and ranks in the top 5 for the amount of green space accessible. Man’s best friend is particularly popular in Brighton, as the city ranks high on lists measuring the number of dogs and the number of dog-friendly bars. In fact, it is the nation’s epicentre for doggie meet-up groups, making it ideal for dogs and their owners looking to make new friends. If relocating isn’t in the cards, you and Fido could plan a day trip to Brighton, which is widely regarded as one of the most dog-friendly cities in the UK.

Both the city’s cleanliness and the abundance of cars are negative aspects. The streets are not in the best condition and there is heavy traffic. These issues can be avoided, though, if you keep the dog on a leash (and prevent it from picking up any litter). In particular, when there is so much pristine greenery to explore with your four-legged pal.

Brighton would be one of the best five places to live with a dog if the air and streets were cleaner.

Quantity of Parks, Grade of Parks
Intensity of traffic 20 Air quality 21 Cleanliness of public spaces 17 Canine population density
For every one human, there are eight dog-friendly bars.
The Grand Total is 79, and the Top Answer is 7.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


When Manchester excels at something, it does so spectacularly. Most metrics place it in the top 10, and it’s cleaner than most places. Manchester is a great place to raise a family and raise a dog, with the only real drawbacks being the average quality of the city’s parks and the increased volume of business at local vet clinics. In terms of veterinarians per 100,000 residents, it ranks third to last, with each clinic serving an average of 181,833 patients. The city only has the second-smallest pup-ulation in the country, so perhaps there is a lack of demand. That, or everyone in Manchester is crazy about cats.

When you do decide to go out with your dog, though, you’ll be spoiled for choice among the city’s many dog-friendly bars. Fewer dogs in general shouldn’t be a problem as long as your dog has a few reliable fur-iends with whom he can routinely see to socialise. For pet owners, Manchester is a great city to call home.

The results for Manchester are a hodgepodge.

Park density and quality 20 Vehicles per square mile 7 Air quality 9 General cleanliness of the streets 9
Canine Population Density: 12 Dogs/100 People
There are around 24 dog-friendly bars in every 100,000 people.
The Overall Mark: 78
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Plymouth is a great area to call home if you have a dog. The only negatives are that there aren’t as many dog-friendly bars as you may find in other cities, and parts of the streets could use a little litter-picking. If your dog ever becomes sick, you can rest well knowing that Plymouth has a relatively high concentration of veterinary clinics relative to its population size. It may not be the most dog-friendly city overall, but it ranks above the national average or among the top 10 in every other category.

Plymouth has a lot of parks and other outdoor areas, but they’re not your only options. Living in this city is great if you want to take your dog for long walks in the countryside or to the beach for a day trip. A dog and his owner would be lucky to call this place home because of the abundance of dog-friendly parks, the low concentration of automobiles, and the fresh air.

Plymouth was ranked as one of the top five best cities to own a dog in thanks to its high score.

Air quality 6, Street cleanliness 19, Canine population density 6, and Green Area Per Capita Rate all equal to 20.
Average number of dog-friendly bars per 100,000 people: 11
As a whole, we scored 76 out of a possible 17 points.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Bournemouth is unusual among major cities in that it possesses both extensive and high-quality parkland. None of its ratings were significantly below average.

Even though there is a higher-than-average volume of traffic, you shouldn’t have any trouble enjoying yourself at one of the city’s many parks. In addition to having the cleanest streets in the country, Bournemouth also offers some of the most beautiful parks and green areas in the country to enjoy on your daily walks. There is a sizable canine community here, so your dog will have no shortage of potential playmates. The best part of relocating to or visiting Bournemouth is all the beach walks you and Fido can take.

A great area for dogs to live, Bournemouth received high marks in every category.

Density of traffic 16 20Air quality 13 Street cleanliness Amount of green space 10 Park quality 10
Dog ownership is extremely low, with only one dog for every human.
Average number of dog-friendly bars per resident: 7
14 Overall, I Got a 71
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Preston has more parks and dogs per person than any other British city. It also boasts the highest ratio of green space to urban areas. Preston is a strong contender for the title of “best dog-friendly location to live in the country,” because to its abundance of canine pals and dog-friendly parks.

Preston also ranks highly for its dog-friendly bars and clean air. Also, the park’s condition and traffic level are rather standard. The city’s only real flaw is its subpar level of street cleanliness, but even that is only slightly below par.

It would have beaten Newcastle as the best area for dogs to live if there was less litter. Preston, with its larger supply of parks and growing dog population, is a likely frontrunner in any dog-eat-dog competition between the two.

When looking for a great area to settle down with your dog, Preston is at the top of the list.

Green area per capita = 1 Park quality = 13 Vehicles per acre = 13 Vehicles per acre = 20 Air quality = 4 Cleanliness of public spaces = 18 Dogs per capita = 18
In the United States, there is only one dog-friendly bar for every one thousand people.
Quantitatively, we got a 59 (after subtracting the 9)
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)


Although relatively tiny, Newcastle upon Tyne ranks highly for dog owners in all but one category. That’s why it’s miles ahead of the competition when it comes to housing options that welcome canine companions. Even if you live in the city, you and Fido are never too far from a long walk because there are so many country walks close by. More animal hospitals can be found there than in the rest of the country.

The necessities for a dog’s joyful and healthy upbringing can be found in this city. There is easy access to veterinary care, parks, green space, and lengthy walks. There are also many cafes and pubs that welcome pets, and many of them feature dog-specific menus or treats for those dreary days.

Those who don’t already have a dog but would like to spend time with a new furry friend can do so at The Dog and Scone in the dog-friendly city of Newcastle. This exciting metropolis is not only well-equipped to claim the title of “greatest location to live for dogs in the UK,” but it also happens to be a fantastic place to call home for humans.

Newcastle’s rankings prove it to be the greatest city in the country for canines.

Density of vehicles per square mile 9 20Air quality 1 Street hygiene Amount of green space 4 Quality of parks 15
There are around six canine companions for every human.
Pubs that welcome dogs, on average, make up 10% of the total.
With an additional 10 points, the final tally is 55.
(Remember that a lower score is preferable.)

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